Index of values

abi_align [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Computes the ABI alignment of a type in bytes for a target.
abi_size [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Computes the ABI size of a type in bytes for a target.
add_aggressive_dce [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createAggressiveDCEPass function.
add_alias [Llvm]
add_alias m t a n inserts an alias in the module m with the type t and the aliasee a with the name n.
add_alignment_from_assumptions [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createAlignmentFromAssumptionsPass function.
add_always_inliner [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createAlwaysInlinerPass function.
add_analysis_passes [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Adds the target-specific analysis passes to the pass manager.
add_argument_promotion [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createAddArgumentPromotionPass function.
add_basic_alias_analysis [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createBasicAliasAnalysisPass function.
add_bb_vectorize [Llvm_vectorize]
See the llvm::createBBVectorizePass function.
add_case [Llvm]
add_case sw onval bb causes switch instruction sw to branch to bb when its input matches the constant onval.
add_cfg_simplification [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createCFGSimplificationPass function.
add_clause [Llvm]
add_clause lp clause adds the clause to the landingpadinstruction.
add_constant_merge [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createConstantMergePass function.
add_constant_propagation [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createConstantPropagationPass function.
add_correlated_value_propagation [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createCorrelatedValuePropagationPass function.
add_dead_arg_elimination [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createDeadArgEliminationPass function.
add_dead_store_elimination [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See llvm::createDeadStoreEliminationPass function.
add_destination [Llvm]
add_destination br bb adds the basic block bb as a possible branch location for the indirectbr instruction br.
add_early_cse [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createEarlyCSE function.
add_function_attr [Llvm]
add_function_attr f a adds attribute a to the return type of function f.
add_function_attrs [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createFunctionAttrsPass function.
add_function_inlining [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createFunctionInliningPass function.
add_global_dce [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createGlobalDCEPass function.
add_global_mapping [Llvm_executionengine]
add_global_mapping gv ptr ee tells the execution engine ee that the global gv is at the specified location ptr, which must outlive gv and ee.
add_global_optimizer [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createGlobalOptimizerPass function.
add_gvn [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createGVNPass function.
add_incoming [Llvm]
add_incoming (v, bb) pn adds the value v to the phi node pn for use with branches from bb.
add_ind_var_simplification [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createIndVarSimplifyPass function.
add_instruction_combination [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createInstructionCombiningPass function.
add_instruction_param_attr [Llvm]
add_instruction_param_attr ci i a adds attribute a to the ith parameter of the call or invoke instruction ci.
add_internalize [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createInternalizePass function.
add_ipc_propagation [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createIPConstantPropagationPass function.
add_ipsccp [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createIPSCCPPass function.
add_jump_threading [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createJumpThreadingPass function.
add_lib_call_simplification [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createSimplifyLibCallsPass function.
add_licm [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createLICMPass function.
add_loop_deletion [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createLoopDeletionPass function.
add_loop_idiom [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createLoopIdiomPass function.
add_loop_reroll [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createLoopRerollPass function.
add_loop_rotation [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createLoopRotatePass function.
add_loop_unroll [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createLoopUnrollPass function.
add_loop_unswitch [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createLoopUnswitchPass function.
add_loop_vectorize [Llvm_vectorize]
See the llvm::createLoopVectorizePass function.
add_lower_expect_intrinsic [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createLowerExpectIntrinsicPass function.
add_lower_switch [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createLowerSwitchPass function.
add_memcpy_opt [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createMemCpyOptPass function.
add_memory_to_register_demotion [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createDemoteMemoryToRegisterPass function.
add_memory_to_register_promotion [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass function.
add_merged_load_store_motion [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See llvm::createMergedLoadStoreMotionPass function.
add_module [Llvm_executionengine]
add_module m ee adds the module m to the execution engine ee.
add_named_metadata_operand [Llvm]
add_named_metadata_operand m name v adds v as the last operand of metadata named name in module m.
add_param_attr [Llvm]
add_param p a adds attribute a to parameter p.
add_partially_inline_lib_calls [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createPartiallyInlineLibCallsPass function.
add_prune_eh [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createPruneEHPass function.
add_reassociation [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createReassociatePass function.
add_scalar_repl_aggregation [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createScalarReplAggregatesPass function.
add_scalar_repl_aggregation_ssa [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createScalarReplAggregatesPassSSA function.
add_scalar_repl_aggregation_with_threshold [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createScalarReplAggregatesWithThreshold function.
add_scalarizer [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See llvm::createScalarizerPass function.
add_sccp [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createSCCPPass function.
add_scoped_no_alias_alias_analysis [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createScopedNoAliasAAPass function.
add_slp_vectorize [Llvm_vectorize]
See the llvm::createSLPVectorizerPass function.
add_strip_dead_prototypes [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createStripDeadPrototypesPass function.
add_strip_symbols [Llvm_ipo]
See the llvm::createStripSymbolsPass function.
add_tail_call_elimination [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createTailCallEliminationPass function.
add_target_dependent_function_attr [Llvm]
add_target_dependent_function_attr f a adds target-dependent attribute a to function f.
add_to_pass_manager [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
add_to_pass_manager pm dl adds the data layout dl to the pass manager pm.
add_type_based_alias_analysis [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass function.
add_verifier [Llvm_scalar_opts]
See the llvm::createVerifierPass function.
address_space [Llvm]
address_space pty returns the address space qualifier of the pointer type pty.
align_of [Llvm]
align_of ty returns the alignof constant for the type ty.
alignment [Llvm]
alignment g returns the required alignment of the global value g.
all [Llvm_target.Target]
all () returns a list of known targets.
append_block [Llvm]
append_block c name f creates a new basic block named name at the end of function f in the context c.
array_length [Llvm]
element_type aty returns the element count of the array type aty.
array_type [Llvm]
array_type ty n returns the array type containing n elements of type ty.
as_string [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
as_string dl is the string representation of the data layout dl.
as_string [Llvm.MemoryBuffer]
as_string mb is the string containing the contents of memory buffer mb.
assert_valid_function [Llvm_analysis]
verify_function f returns if the function f is valid, but prints a validation report to stderr and aborts the program if it is invalid.
assert_valid_module [Llvm_analysis]
verify_module m returns if the module m is valid, but prints a validation report to stderr and aborts the program if it is invalid.

basic_blocks [Llvm]
basic_blocks fn returns the basic blocks of the function f.
block_address [Llvm]
block_address f bb returns the address of the basic block bb in the function f.
block_begin [Llvm]
block_begin f returns the first position in the basic block list of the function f.
block_end [Llvm]
block_end f returns the last position in the basic block list of the function f.
block_of_value [Llvm]
block_of_value v losslessly casts v to an llbasicblock.
block_parent [Llvm]
block_parent bb returns the parent function that owns the basic block.
block_pred [Llvm]
block_pred bb returns the basic block list position preceding After bb.
block_succ [Llvm]
block_succ bb returns the basic block list position succeeding Before bb.
block_terminator [Llvm]
block_terminator bb returns the terminator of the basic block bb.
build_add [Llvm]
build_add x y name b creates a %name = add %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_aggregate_ret [Llvm]
build_aggregate_ret vs b creates a ret {...} { %v1, %v2, ... } instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_alloca [Llvm]
build_alloca ty name b creates a %name = alloca %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_and [Llvm]
build_and x y name b creates a %name = and %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_array_alloca [Llvm]
build_array_alloca ty n name b creates a %name = alloca %ty, %n instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_array_malloc [Llvm]
build_array_malloc ty val name b creates an array malloc instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_ashr [Llvm]
build_ashr x y name b creates a %name = ashr %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_atomicrmw [Llvm]
build_atomicrmw op ptr val o st b creates an atomicrmw instruction with operation op performed on pointer ptr and value val with ordering o and singlethread flag set to st at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_bitcast [Llvm]
build_bitcast v ty name b creates a %name = bitcast %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_br [Llvm]
build_br bb b creates a br %bb instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_call [Llvm]
build_call fn args name b creates a %name = call %fn(args...) instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_cond_br [Llvm]
build_cond_br cond tbb fbb b creates a br %cond, %tbb, %fbb instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_empty_phi [Llvm]
build_empty_phi ty name b creates a %name = phi %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_exact_sdiv [Llvm]
build_exact_sdiv x y name b creates a %name = exact sdiv %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_extractelement [Llvm]
build_extractelement vec i name b creates a %name = extractelement %vec, %i instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_extractvalue [Llvm]
build_extractvalue agg idx name b creates a %name = extractvalue %agg, %idx instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fadd [Llvm]
build_fadd x y name b creates a %name = fadd %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fcmp [Llvm]
build_fcmp pred x y name b creates a %name = fcmp %pred %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fdiv [Llvm]
build_fdiv x y name b creates a %name = fdiv %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fmul [Llvm]
build_fmul x y name b creates a %name = fmul %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fneg [Llvm]
build_fneg x name b creates a %name = fsub 0, %x instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fpcast [Llvm]
build_fpcast v ty name b creates a fpext, bitcast, or fptrunc instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fpext [Llvm]
build_fpext v ty name b creates a %name = fpext %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fptosi [Llvm]
build_fptosi v ty name b creates a %name = fptosi %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fptoui [Llvm]
build_fptoui v ty name b creates a %name = fptoui %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fptrunc [Llvm]
build_fptrunc v ty name b creates a %name = fptrunc %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_free [Llvm]
build_free p b creates a free instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_frem [Llvm]
build_frem x y name b creates a %name = frem %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_fsub [Llvm]
build_fsub x y name b creates a %name = fsub %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_gep [Llvm]
build_gep p indices name b creates a %name = getelementptr %p, indices... instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_global_string [Llvm]
build_global_string str name b creates a series of instructions that adds a global string at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_global_stringptr [Llvm]
build_global_stringptr str name b creates a series of instructions that adds a global string pointer at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_icmp [Llvm]
build_icmp pred x y name b creates a %name = icmp %pred %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_in_bounds_gep [Llvm]
build_in_bounds_gep p indices name b creates a %name = gelementptr inbounds %p, indices... instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_indirect_br [Llvm]
build_indirect_br addr count b creates a indirectbr %addr instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b with space reserved for count destinations.
build_insertelement [Llvm]
build_insertelement vec elt i name b creates a %name = insertelement %vec, %elt, %i instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_insertvalue [Llvm]
build_insertvalue agg val idx name b creates a %name = insertvalue %agg, %val, %idx instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_intcast [Llvm]
build_intcast v ty name b creates a zext, bitcast, or trunc instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_inttoptr [Llvm]
build_inttoptr v ty name b creates a %name = inttoptr %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_invoke [Llvm]
build_invoke fn args tobb unwindbb name b creates an %name = invoke %fn(args) to %tobb unwind %unwindbb instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_is_not_null [Llvm]
build_is_not_null val name b creates a %name = icmp ne %val, null instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_is_null [Llvm]
build_is_null val name b creates a %name = icmp eq %val, null instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_landingpad [Llvm]
build_landingpad ty persfn numclauses name b creates an landingpad instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_load [Llvm]
build_load v name b creates a %name = load %v instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_lshr [Llvm]
build_lshr x y name b creates a %name = lshr %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_malloc [Llvm]
build_malloc ty name b creates an malloc instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_mul [Llvm]
build_mul x y name b creates a %name = mul %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_neg [Llvm]
build_neg x name b creates a %name = sub 0, %x instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_not [Llvm]
build_xor x name b creates a %name = xor %x, -1 instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_nsw_add [Llvm]
build_nsw_add x y name b creates a %name = nsw add %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_nsw_mul [Llvm]
build_nsw_mul x y name b creates a %name = nsw mul %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_nsw_neg [Llvm]
build_nsw_neg x name b creates a %name = nsw sub 0, %x instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_nsw_sub [Llvm]
build_nsw_sub x y name b creates a %name = nsw sub %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_nuw_add [Llvm]
build_nuw_add x y name b creates a %name = nuw add %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_nuw_mul [Llvm]
build_nuw_mul x y name b creates a %name = nuw mul %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_nuw_neg [Llvm]
build_nuw_neg x name b creates a %name = nuw sub 0, %x instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_nuw_sub [Llvm]
build_nuw_sub x y name b creates a %name = nuw sub %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_or [Llvm]
build_or x y name b creates a %name = or %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_phi [Llvm]
build_phi incoming name b creates a %name = phi %incoming instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_pointercast [Llvm]
build_pointercast v ty name b creates a bitcast or pointer-to-int instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_ptrdiff [Llvm]
build_ptrdiff lhs rhs name b creates a series of instructions that measure the difference between two pointer values at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_ptrtoint [Llvm]
build_ptrtoint v ty name b creates a %name = prtotint %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_resume [Llvm]
build_resume exn b builds a resume exn instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_ret [Llvm]
build_ret v b creates a ret %v instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_ret_void [Llvm]
build_ret_void b creates a ret void instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_sdiv [Llvm]
build_sdiv x y name b creates a %name = sdiv %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_select [Llvm]
build_select cond thenv elsev name b creates a %name = select %cond, %thenv, %elsev instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_sext [Llvm]
build_sext v ty name b creates a %name = sext %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_sext_or_bitcast [Llvm]
build_sext_or_bitcast v ty name b creates a sext or bitcast instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_shl [Llvm]
build_shl x y name b creates a %name = shl %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_shufflevector [Llvm]
build_shufflevector veca vecb mask name b creates a %name = shufflevector %veca, %vecb, %mask instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_sitofp [Llvm]
build_sitofp v ty name b creates a %name = sitofp %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_srem [Llvm]
build_SRem x y name b creates a %name = srem %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_store [Llvm]
build_store v p b creates a store %v, %p instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_struct_gep [Llvm]
build_struct_gep p idx name b creates a %name = getelementptr %p, 0, idx instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_sub [Llvm]
build_sub x y name b creates a %name = sub %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_switch [Llvm]
build_switch case elsebb count b creates an empty switch %case, %elsebb instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b with space reserved for count cases.
build_trunc [Llvm]
build_trunc v ty name b creates a %name = trunc %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_trunc_or_bitcast [Llvm]
build_trunc_or_bitcast v ty name b creates a trunc or bitcast instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_udiv [Llvm]
build_udiv x y name b creates a %name = udiv %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_uitofp [Llvm]
build_uitofp v ty name b creates a %name = uitofp %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_unreachable [Llvm]
build_unreachable b creates an unreachable instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_urem [Llvm]
build_urem x y name b creates a %name = urem %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_va_arg [Llvm]
build_va_arg valist argty name b creates a %name = va_arg %valist, %argty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_xor [Llvm]
build_xor x y name b creates a %name = xor %x, %y instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_zext [Llvm]
build_zext v ty name b creates a %name = zext %p to %ty instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
build_zext_or_bitcast [Llvm]
build_zext_or_bitcast v ty name b creates a zext or bitcast instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
builder [Llvm]
builder context creates an instruction builder with no position in the context context.
builder_at [Llvm]
builder_at ip creates an instruction builder positioned at ip.
builder_at_end [Llvm]
builder_at_end bb creates an instruction builder positioned at the end of the basic block bb.
builder_before [Llvm]
builder_before ins creates an instruction builder positioned before the instruction isn.
by_name [Llvm_target.Target]
by_name name returns Some t if a target t named name is registered, or None otherwise.
by_triple [Llvm_target.Target]
by_triple triple returns a target for a triple triple, or raises Error if triple does not correspond to a registered target.
byte_order [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Returns the byte order of a target, either Endian.Big or Endian.Little.

c [Llvm.CallConv]
c is the C calling convention.
classify_type [Llvm]
classify_type ty returns the Llvm.TypeKind.t corresponding to the type ty.
classify_value [Llvm]
classify_value v returns the kind of the value v.
clear_current_debug_location [Llvm]
clear_current_debug_location b clears the current debug location in the builder b.
clear_metadata [Llvm]
clear_metadata i kind clears the metadata of kind kind in the instruction i.
clone_module [Llvm_transform_utils]
clone_module m returns an exact copy of module m.
cold [Llvm.CallConv]
cold is the calling convention for callee-save.
condition [Llvm]
condition v return the condition of the branch instruction v.
const_add [Llvm]
const_add c1 c2 returns the constant sum of two constants.
const_all_ones [Llvm]
const_all_ones ty returns the constant '-1' of the integer or vector type ty.
const_and [Llvm]
const_and c1 c2 returns the constant bitwise AND of two integer constants.
const_array [Llvm]
const_array ty elts returns the constant array of type array_type ty (Array.length elts) and containing the values elts.
const_ashr [Llvm]
const_ashr c1 c2 returns the constant integer c1 right-shifted by the constant integer c2 with sign extension.
const_bitcast [Llvm]
const_bitcast c ty returns the constant bitwise conversion of constant c to type ty of equal size.
const_element [Llvm]
const_element c returns a constant for a specified index's element.
const_exact_sdiv [Llvm]
const_exact_sdiv c1 c2 returns the constant quotient c1 / c2 of two signed integer constants.
const_extractelement [Llvm]
const_extractelement vec i returns the constant ith element of constant vector vec.
const_extractvalue [Llvm]
const_extractvalue agg idxs returns the constant idxsth value of constant aggregate agg.
const_fadd [Llvm]
const_fadd c1 c2 returns the constant sum of two constant floats.
const_fcmp [Llvm]
const_fcmp pred c1 c2 returns the constant comparison of two floating point constants, c1 pred c2.
const_fdiv [Llvm]
const_fdiv c1 c2 returns the constant quotient c1 / c2 of two floating point constants.
const_float [Llvm]
const_float ty n returns the floating point constant of type ty and value n.
const_float_of_string [Llvm]
const_float_of_string ty s returns the floating point constant of type ty and value n.
const_fmul [Llvm]
const_fmul c1 c2 returns the constant product of two constants floats.
const_fneg [Llvm]
const_fneg c returns the arithmetic negation of the constant float c.
const_fpcast [Llvm]
const_fpcast c ty returns a constant fpext, bitcast, or fptrunc for fp -> fp casts of constant c to type ty.
const_fpext [Llvm]
const_fpext c ty returns the constant extension of floating point constant c to the larger floating point type ty.
const_fptosi [Llvm]
const_fptoui c ty returns the constant unsigned integer conversion of floating point constant c to integer type ty.
const_fptoui [Llvm]
const_fptoui c ty returns the constant unsigned integer conversion of floating point constant c to integer type ty.
const_fptrunc [Llvm]
const_fptrunc c ty returns the constant truncation of floating point constant c to the smaller floating point type ty.
const_frem [Llvm]
const_frem c1 c2 returns the constant remainder c1 MOD c2 of two signed floating point constants.
const_fsub [Llvm]
const_fsub c1 c2 returns the constant difference, c1 - c2, of two constant floats.
const_gep [Llvm]
const_gep pc indices returns the constant getElementPtr of pc with the constant integers indices from the array indices.
const_icmp [Llvm]
const_icmp pred c1 c2 returns the constant comparison of two integer constants, c1 pred c2.
const_in_bounds_gep [Llvm]
const_in_bounds_gep pc indices returns the constant getElementPtr of pc with the constant integers indices from the array indices.
const_inline_asm [Llvm]
const_inline_asm ty asm con side align inserts a inline assembly string.
const_insertelement [Llvm]
const_insertelement vec v i returns the constant vector with the same elements as constant vector v but the ith element replaced by the constant v.
const_insertvalue [Llvm]
const_insertvalue agg val idxs inserts the value val in the specified indexs idxs in the aggegate agg.
const_int [Llvm]
const_int ty i returns the integer constant of type ty and value i.
const_int_of_string [Llvm]
const_int_of_string ty s r returns the integer constant of type ty and value s, with the radix r.
const_intcast [Llvm]
const_intcast c ty ~is_signed returns a constant sext/zext, bitcast, or trunc for integer -> integer casts of constant c to type ty.
const_inttoptr [Llvm]
const_inttoptr c ty returns the constant pointer conversion of integer constant c to pointer type ty.
const_lshr [Llvm]
const_lshr c1 c2 returns the constant integer c1 right-shifted by the constant integer c2 with zero extension.
const_mul [Llvm]
const_mul c1 c2 returns the constant product of two constants.
const_named_struct [Llvm]
const_named_struct namedty elts returns the structured constant of type namedty (which must be a named structure type) and containing the values elts.
const_neg [Llvm]
const_neg c returns the arithmetic negation of the constant c.
const_not [Llvm]
const_not c returns the bitwise inverse of the constant c.
const_nsw_add [Llvm]
const_nsw_add c1 c2 returns the constant sum of two constants with no signed wrapping.
const_nsw_mul [Llvm]
const_nsw_mul c1 c2 returns the constant product of two constants with no signed wrapping.
const_nsw_neg [Llvm]
const_nsw_neg c returns the arithmetic negation of the constant c with no signed wrapping.
const_nsw_sub [Llvm]
const_nsw_sub c1 c2 returns the constant difference of two constants with no signed wrapping.
const_null [Llvm]
const_null ty returns the constant null (zero) of the type ty.
const_nuw_add [Llvm]
const_nuw_add c1 c2 returns the constant sum of two constants with no unsigned wrapping.
const_nuw_mul [Llvm]
const_nuw_mul c1 c2 returns the constant product of two constants with no unsigned wrapping.
const_nuw_neg [Llvm]
const_nuw_neg c returns the arithmetic negation of the constant c with no unsigned wrapping.
const_nuw_sub [Llvm]
const_nuw_sub c1 c2 returns the constant difference of two constants with no unsigned wrapping.
const_of_int64 [Llvm]
const_of_int64 ty i returns the integer constant of type ty and value i.
const_or [Llvm]
const_or c1 c2 returns the constant bitwise OR of two integer constants.
const_packed_struct [Llvm]
const_packed_struct context elts returns the structured constant of type Llvm.packed_struct_type ( type_of elts) and containing the values elts in the context context.
const_pointer_null [Llvm]
const_pointer_null ty returns the constant null (zero) pointer of the type ty.
const_pointercast [Llvm]
const_pointercast c ty returns a constant bitcast or a pointer-to-int cast conversion of constant c to type ty of equal size.
const_ptrtoint [Llvm]
const_ptrtoint c ty returns the constant integer conversion of pointer constant c to integer type ty.
const_sdiv [Llvm]
const_sdiv c1 c2 returns the constant quotient c1 / c2 of two signed integer constants.
const_select [Llvm]
const_select cond t f returns the constant conditional which returns value t if the boolean constant cond is true and the value f otherwise.
const_sext [Llvm]
const_sext c ty returns the constant sign extension of integer constant c to the larger integer type ty.
const_sext_or_bitcast [Llvm]
const_sext_or_bitcast c ty returns a constant sext or bitwise cast conversion of constant c to type ty.
const_shl [Llvm]
const_shl c1 c2 returns the constant integer c1 left-shifted by the constant integer c2.
const_shufflevector [Llvm]
const_shufflevector a b mask returns a constant shufflevector.
const_sitofp [Llvm]
const_sitofp c ty returns the constant floating point conversion of signed integer constant c to the floating point type ty.
const_srem [Llvm]
const_srem c1 c2 returns the constant remainder c1 MOD c2 of two signed integer constants.
const_string [Llvm]
const_string c s returns the constant i8 array with the values of the characters in the string s in the context c.
const_stringz [Llvm]
const_stringz c s returns the constant i8 array with the values of the characters in the string s and a null terminator in the context c.
const_struct [Llvm]
const_struct context elts returns the structured constant of type struct_type ( type_of elts) and containing the values elts in the context context.
const_sub [Llvm]
const_sub c1 c2 returns the constant difference, c1 - c2, of two constants.
const_trunc [Llvm]
const_trunc c ty returns the constant truncation of integer constant c to the smaller integer type ty.
const_trunc_or_bitcast [Llvm]
const_trunc_or_bitcast c ty returns a constant trunc or bitwise cast conversion of constant c to type ty.
const_udiv [Llvm]
const_udiv c1 c2 returns the constant quotient c1 / c2 of two unsigned integer constants.
const_uitofp [Llvm]
const_uitofp c ty returns the constant floating point conversion of unsigned integer constant c to the floating point type ty.
const_urem [Llvm]
const_urem c1 c2 returns the constant remainder c1 MOD c2 of two unsigned integer constants.
const_vector [Llvm]
const_vector elts returns the vector constant of type vector_type (type_of elts.(0)) (Array.length elts) and containing the values elts.
const_xor [Llvm]
const_xor c1 c2 returns the constant bitwise XOR of two integer constants.
const_zext [Llvm]
const_zext c ty returns the constant zero extension of integer constant c to the larger integer type ty.
const_zext_or_bitcast [Llvm]
const_zext_or_bitcast c ty returns a constant zext or bitwise cast conversion of constant c to type ty.
constexpr_opcode [Llvm]
constexpr_opcode v returns an Opcode.t corresponding to constexpr value v, or Opcode.Invalid if v is not a constexpr.
cpu [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Returns the CPU used while creating this target machine.
create [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Creates a new target machine.
create [Llvm_passmgr_builder]
See the llvm::PassManagerBuilder function.
create [Llvm_executionengine]
create m optlevel creates a new MCJIT just-in-time compiler, taking ownership of the module m if successful with the desired optimization level optlevel.
create [Llvm.PassManager]
PassManager.create () constructs a new whole-module pass pipeline.
create_context [Llvm]
create_context () creates a context for storing the "global" state in LLVM.
create_function [Llvm.PassManager]
PassManager.create_function m constructs a new function-by-function pass pipeline over the module m.
create_module [Llvm]
create_module context id creates a module with the supplied module ID in the context context.
current_debug_location [Llvm]
current_debug_location b returns the current debug location, or None if none is currently set.

data_layout [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Returns the data layout of this target machine.
data_layout [Llvm_executionengine]
data_layout ee is the data layout of the execution engine ee.
data_layout [Llvm]
data_layout m is the data layout specifier for the module m, something like e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-...-a0:0:64-f80:128:128.
declare_function [Llvm]
declare_function name ty m returns a new function of type ty and with name name in module m.
declare_global [Llvm]
declare_global ty name m returns a new global variable of type ty and with name name in module m in the default address space (0).
declare_qualified_global [Llvm]
declare_qualified_global ty name addrspace m returns a new global variable of type ty and with name name in module m in the address space addrspace.
default_compiler_options [Llvm_executionengine]
Default MCJIT compiler options: { opt_level = 0; code_model = CodeModel.JIT_default; no_framepointer_elim = false; enable_fast_isel = false }
default_triple [Llvm_target.Target]
default_triple () returns the default target triple for current platform.
define_function [Llvm]
define_function name ty m creates a new function with name name and type ty in module m.
define_global [Llvm]
define_global name init m returns a new global with name name and initializer init in module m in the default address space (0).
define_qualified_global [Llvm]
define_qualified_global name init addrspace m returns a new global with name name and initializer init in module m in the address space addrspace.
delete_block [Llvm]
delete_block bb deletes the basic block bb.
delete_function [Llvm]
delete_function f destroys the function f.
delete_global [Llvm]
delete_global gv destroys the global variable gv.
delete_instruction [Llvm]
delete_instruction i deletes the instruction i.
description [Llvm_target.Target]
Returns the description of a target.
dispose [Llvm_executionengine]
dispose ee releases the memory used by the execution engine and must be invoked to avoid memory leaks.
dispose [Llvm.PassManager]
Frees the memory of a pass pipeline.
dispose [Llvm.MemoryBuffer]
Disposes of a memory buffer.
dispose_context [Llvm]
destroy_context () destroys a context.
dispose_module [Llvm]
dispose_module m destroys a module m and all of the IR objects it contained.
dll_storage_class [Llvm]
dll_storage_class g returns the DLL storage class of the global value g.
double_type [Llvm]
double_type c returns the IEEE 64-bit floating point type in the context c.
dump_module [Llvm]
dump_module m prints the .ll representation of the module m to standard error.
dump_type [Llvm]
dump_type ty prints the .ll representation of the type ty to standard error.
dump_value [Llvm]
dump_value v prints the .ll representation of the value v to standard error.

element_at_offset [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Computes the structure element that contains the byte offset for a target.
element_type [Llvm]
element_type ty returns the element type of the pointer, vector, or array type ty.
emit_to_file [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Emits assembly or object data for the given module to the given file or raise Error.
emit_to_memory_buffer [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Emits assembly or object data for the given module to a fresh memory buffer or raise Error.
enable_pretty_stacktrace [Llvm]
enable_pretty_stacktraces () enables LLVM's built-in stack trace code.
entry_block [Llvm]
entry_block fn returns the entry basic block of the function f.

fast [Llvm.CallConv]
fast is the calling convention to allow LLVM maximum optimization opportunities.
fcmp_predicate [Llvm]
fcmp_predicate i returns the fcmp.t corresponding to an fcmp instruction i.
features [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Returns the feature string used while creating this target machine.
finalize [Llvm.PassManager]
finalize fpm finalizes all of the function passes scheduled in in the function pass manager fpm.
first [Llvm_target.Target]
first () returns the first target in the registered targets list, or None.
float_of_const [Llvm]
float_of_const c returns the float value of the c constant float.
float_type [Llvm]
float_type c returns the IEEE 32-bit floating point type in the context c.
fold_left_blocks [Llvm]
fold_left_blocks f init fn is f (... (f init b1) ...) bN where b1,...,bN are the basic blocks of function fn.
fold_left_functions [Llvm]
fold_left_function f init m is f (... (f init f1) ...) fN where f1,...,fN are the functions of module m.
fold_left_globals [Llvm]
fold_left_globals f init m is f (... (f init g1) ...) gN where g1,...,gN are the global variables of module m.
fold_left_instrs [Llvm]
fold_left_instrs f init bb is f (... (f init g1) ...) gN where g1,...,gN are the instructions of basic block bb.
fold_left_params [Llvm]
fold_left_params f init fn is f (... (f init b1) ...) bN where b1,...,bN are the parameters of function fn.
fold_left_uses [Llvm]
fold_left_uses f init v is f (... (f init u1) ...) uN where u1,...,uN are the users of the value v.
fold_right_blocks [Llvm]
fold_right_blocks f fn init is f (... (f init bN) ...) b1 where b1,...,bN are the basic blocks of function fn.
fold_right_functions [Llvm]
fold_right_functions f m init is f (... (f init fN) ...) f1 where f1,...,fN are the functions of module m.
fold_right_globals [Llvm]
fold_right_globals f m init is f g1 (... (f gN init) ...) where g1,...,gN are the global variables of module m.
fold_right_instrs [Llvm]
fold_right_instrs f bb init is f (... (f init fN) ...) f1 where f1,...,fN are the instructions of basic block bb.
fold_right_params [Llvm]
fold_right_params f fn init is f (... (f init bN) ...) b1 where b1,...,bN are the parameters of function fn.
fold_right_uses [Llvm]
fold_right_uses f v init is f u1 (... (f uN init) ...) where u1,...,uN are the users of the value v.
fold_successors [Llvm]
fold_successors f v init is f (... (f init vN) ...) v1 where v1,...,vN are the successors of v.
fp128_type [Llvm]
fp128_type c returns the IEEE 128-bit floating point type in the context c.
function_attr [Llvm]
function_attr f returns the function attribute for the function f.
function_begin [Llvm]
function_begin m returns the first position in the function list of the module m.
function_call_conv [Llvm]
function_call_conv f returns the calling convention of the function f.
function_end [Llvm]
function_end m returns the last position in the function list of the module m.
function_pred [Llvm]
function_pred gv returns the function list position preceding After gv.
function_succ [Llvm]
function_succ gv returns the function list position succeeding Before gv.
function_type [Llvm]
function_type ret_ty param_tys returns the function type returning ret_ty and taking param_tys as parameters.

gc [Llvm]
gc f returns Some name if the function f has a garbage collection algorithm specified and None otherwise.
get_branch [Llvm]
get_branch c returns a description of the branch instruction c.
get_function_address [Llvm_executionengine]
get_function_address fn typ ee returns a pointer to the function fn as type typ, which will be a pointer type for a function (e.g.
get_global_value_address [Llvm_executionengine]
get_global_value_address id typ ee returns a pointer to the identifier id as type typ, which will be a pointer type for a value, and which will be live as long as id and ee are.
get_mdstring [Llvm]
get_mdstring v returns the MDString.
get_module [Llvm_bitreader]
get_module context mb reads the bitcode for a new module m from the memory buffer mb in the context context.
get_named_metadata [Llvm]
get_named_metadata m name returns all the MDNodes belonging to the named metadata (if any).
global_begin [Llvm]
global_begin m returns the first position in the global variable list of the module m.
global_context [Llvm]
See the function llvm::getGlobalContext.
global_end [Llvm]
global_end m returns the last position in the global variable list of the module m.
global_initializer [Llvm]
global_initializer gv returns the initializer for the global variable gv.
global_parent [Llvm]
global_parent g is the enclosing module of the global value g.
global_pred [Llvm]
global_pred gv returns the global variable list position preceding After gv.
global_succ [Llvm]
global_succ gv returns the global variable list position succeeding Before gv.

has_asm_backend [Llvm_target.Target]
Returns true if the target has an ASM backend (required for emitting output).
has_jit [Llvm_target.Target]
Returns true if the target has a JIT.
has_metadata [Llvm]
has_metadata i returns whether or not the instruction i has any metadata attached to it.
has_target_machine [Llvm_target.Target]
Returns true if the target has a target machine associated.

i16_type [Llvm]
i16_type c returns an integer type of bitwidth 16 in the context c.
i1_type [Llvm]
i1_type c returns an integer type of bitwidth 1 in the context c.
i32_type [Llvm]
i32_type c returns an integer type of bitwidth 32 in the context c.
i64_type [Llvm]
i64_type c returns an integer type of bitwidth 64 in the context c.
i8_type [Llvm]
i8_type c returns an integer type of bitwidth 8 in the context c.
icmp_predicate [Llvm]
icmp_predicate i returns the Icmp.t corresponding to an icmp instruction i.
incoming [Llvm]
incoming pn returns the list of value-block pairs for phi node pn.
initialize [Llvm_executionengine]
initialize () initializes the backend corresponding to the host.
initialize [Llvm_all_backends]
initialize [Llvm_XCore]
initialize [Llvm_X86]
initialize [Llvm_SystemZ]
initialize [Llvm_Sparc]
initialize [Llvm_PowerPC]
initialize [Llvm_NVPTX]
initialize [Llvm_Mips]
initialize [Llvm_MSP430]
initialize [Llvm_Hexagon]
initialize [Llvm_CppBackend]
initialize [Llvm_BPF]
initialize [Llvm_ARM]
initialize [Llvm_AMDGPU]
initialize [Llvm_AArch64]
initialize [Llvm.PassManager]
initialize fpm initializes all of the function passes scheduled in the function pass manager fpm.
insert_block [Llvm]
insert_block c name bb creates a new basic block named name before the basic block bb in the context c.
insert_into_builder [Llvm]
insert_into_builder i name b inserts the specified instruction i at the position specified by the instruction builder b.
insertion_block [Llvm]
insertion_block b returns the basic block that the builder b is positioned to insert into.
install_fatal_error_handler [Llvm]
install_fatal_error_handler f installs f as LLVM's fatal error handler.
instr_begin [Llvm]
instr_begin bb returns the first position in the instruction list of the basic block bb.
instr_clone [Llvm]
inst_clone i returns a copy of instruction i, The instruction has no parent, and no name.
instr_end [Llvm]
instr_end bb returns the last position in the instruction list of the basic block bb.
instr_opcode [Llvm]
inst_opcode i returns the Opcode.t corresponding to instruction i, or Opcode.Invalid if i is not an instruction.
instr_parent [Llvm]
instr_parent i is the enclosing basic block of the instruction i.
instr_pred [Llvm]
instr_pred i returns the instruction list position preceding After i.
instr_succ [Llvm]
instr_succ i returns the instruction list position succeeding Before i.
instruction_call_conv [Llvm]
instruction_call_conv ci is the calling convention for the call or invoke instruction ci, which may be one of the values from the module Llvm.CallConv.
int64_of_const [Llvm]
int64_of_const c returns the int64 value of the c constant integer.
integer_bitwidth [Llvm]
integer_bitwidth c ty returns the number of bits in the integer type ty in the context c.
integer_type [Llvm]
integer_type c n returns an integer type of bitwidth n in the context c.
intptr_type [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Returns the integer type that is the same size as a pointer on a target.
is_conditional [Llvm]
is_conditional v returns true if the branch instruction v is conditional.
is_constant [Llvm]
is_constant v returns true if the value v is a constant, false otherwise.
is_declaration [Llvm]
is_declaration g returns true if the global value g is a declaration only.
is_externally_initialized [Llvm]
is_externally_initialized gv returns true if the global variable gv is externally initialized and false otherwise.
is_global_constant [Llvm]
is_global_constant gv returns true if the global variabile gv is a constant.
is_intrinsic [Llvm]
is_intrinsic f returns true if the function f is an intrinsic.
is_null [Llvm]
is_null v returns true if the value v is the null (zero) value.
is_opaque [Llvm]
is_opaque sty returns true if the structure type sty is opaque.
is_packed [Llvm]
is_packed sty returns true if the structure type sty is packed, false otherwise.
is_tail_call [Llvm]
is_tail_call ci is true if the call instruction ci is flagged as eligible for tail call optimization, false otherwise.
is_terminator [Llvm]
is_terminator v returns true if the instruction v is a terminator.
is_thread_local [Llvm]
is_thread_local gv returns true if the global variable gv is thread-local and false otherwise.
is_undef [Llvm]
is_undef v returns true if the value v is an undefined value, false otherwise.
is_var_arg [Llvm]
is_var_arg fty returns true if fty is a varargs function type, false otherwise.
is_volatile [Llvm]
is_volatile i is true if the load or store instruction i is marked as volatile.
iter_blocks [Llvm]
iter_blocks f fn applies function f to each of the basic blocks of function fn in order.
iter_functions [Llvm]
iter_functions f m applies function f to each of the functions of module m in order.
iter_globals [Llvm]
iter_globals f m applies function f to each of the global variables of module m in order.
iter_instrs [Llvm]
iter_instrs f bb applies function f to each of the instructions of basic block bb in order.
iter_params [Llvm]
iter_params f fn applies function f to each of the parameters of function fn in order.
iter_successors [Llvm]
iter_successors f v applies function f to each successor v in order.
iter_uses [Llvm]
iter_uses f v applies function f to each of the users of the value v in order.

label_type [Llvm]
label_type c creates a type of a basic block in the context c.
link_modules' [Llvm_linker]
link_modules' dst src links src into dst, raising Error if the linking fails.
linkage [Llvm]
linkage g returns the linkage of the global value g.
lookup_function [Llvm]
lookup_function name m returns Some f if a function with name name exists in module m.
lookup_global [Llvm]
lookup_global name m returns Some g if a global variable with name name exists in module m.

mdkind_id [Llvm]
mdkind_id context name returns the MDKind ID that corresponds to the name name in the context context.
mdnode [Llvm]
mdnode c elts returns the MDNode containing the values elts in the context c.
mdnull [Llvm]
mdnull c returns a null MDNode in context c.
mdstring [Llvm]
mdstring c s returns the MDString of the string s in the context c.
metadata [Llvm]
metadata i kind optionally returns the metadata associated with the kind kind in the instruction i See the function llvm::Instruction::getMetadata.
module_context [Llvm]
module_context m returns the context of the specified module.
move_block_after [Llvm]
move_block_after pos bb moves the basic block bb after pos.
move_block_before [Llvm]
move_block_before pos bb moves the basic block bb before pos.

name [Llvm_target.Target]
Returns the name of a target.
named_struct_type [Llvm]
named_struct_type context name returns the named structure type name in the context context.
num_operands [Llvm]
num_operands v returns the number of operands for the value v.
num_successors [Llvm]
num_successors v returns the number of successors for the value v.

of_file [Llvm.MemoryBuffer]
of_file p is the memory buffer containing the contents of the file at path p.
of_stdin [Llvm.MemoryBuffer]
of_stdin () is the memory buffer containing the contents of standard input.
of_string [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
of_string rep parses the data layout string representation rep.
of_string [Llvm.MemoryBuffer]
of_string ~name s is the memory buffer containing the contents of string s.
offset_of_element [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Computes the byte offset of the indexed struct element for a target.
operand [Llvm]
operand v i returns the operand at index i for the value v.
operand_use [Llvm]
operand_use v i returns the use of the operand at index i for the value v.
output_bitcode [Llvm_bitwriter]
output_bitcode ~unbuffered c m writes the bitcode for module m to the channel c.

packed_struct_type [Llvm]
packed_struct_type context ys returns the packed structure type in the context context containing in the types in the array tys.
param [Llvm]
param f n returns the nth parameter of function f.
param_attr [Llvm]
param_attr p returns the attributes of parameter p.
param_begin [Llvm]
param_begin f returns the first position in the parameter list of the function f.
param_end [Llvm]
param_end f returns the last position in the parameter list of the function f.
param_parent [Llvm]
param_parent p returns the parent function that owns the parameter.
param_pred [Llvm]
param_pred gv returns the function list position preceding After gv.
param_succ [Llvm]
param_succ bb returns the parameter list position succeeding Before bb.
param_types [Llvm]
param_types fty gets the parameter types of the function type fty.
params [Llvm]
params f returns the parameters of function f.
parse_bitcode [Llvm_bitreader]
parse_bitcode context mb parses the bitcode for a new module m from the memory buffer mb in the context context.
parse_command_line_options [Llvm]
parse_command_line_options ?overview args parses args using the LLVM command line parser.
parse_ir [Llvm_irreader]
parse_ir context mb parses the IR for a new module m from the memory buffer mb in the context context.
pointer_size [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Returns the pointer size in bytes for a target.
pointer_type [Llvm]
pointer_type ty returns the pointer type referencing objects of type ty in the default address space (0).
populate_function_pass_manager [Llvm_passmgr_builder]
See the llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateFunctionPassManager function.
populate_lto_pass_manager [Llvm_passmgr_builder]
See the llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateLTOPassManager function.
populate_module_pass_manager [Llvm_passmgr_builder]
See the llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateModulePassManager function.
position_at_end [Llvm]
position_at_end bb b moves the instruction builder b to the end of the basic block bb.
position_before [Llvm]
position_before ins b moves the instruction builder b to before the instruction isn.
position_builder [Llvm]
position_builder ip bb moves the instruction builder bb to the position ip.
ppc_fp128_type [Llvm]
ppc_fp128_type c returns the PowerPC 128-bit floating point type in the context c.
preferred_align [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Computes the preferred alignment of a type in bytes for a target.
preferred_align_of_global [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Computes the preferred alignment of a global variable in bytes for a target.
print_module [Llvm]
print_module f m prints the .ll representation of the module m to file f.

qualified_intptr_type [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Returns the integer type that is the same size as a pointer on a target in a given address space.
qualified_pointer_size [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Returns the pointer size in bytes for a target in a given address space.
qualified_pointer_type [Llvm]
qualified_pointer_type ty as returns the pointer type referencing objects of type ty in address space as.

remove_block [Llvm]
remove_block bb removes the basic block bb from its parent function.
remove_function_attr [Llvm]
remove_function_attr f a removes attribute a from the return type of function f.
remove_initializer [Llvm]
remove_initializer gv unsets the initializer for the global variable gv.
remove_instruction_param_attr [Llvm]
remove_instruction_param_attr ci i a removes attribute a from the ith parameter of the call or invoke instruction ci.
remove_module [Llvm_executionengine]
remove_module m ee removes the module m from the execution engine ee.
remove_param_attr [Llvm]
remove_param_attr p a removes attribute a from parameter p.
replace_all_uses_with [Llvm]
replace_all_uses_with old new replaces all uses of the value old with the value new.
reset_fatal_error_handler [Llvm]
reset_fatal_error_handler () resets LLVM's fatal error handler.
return_type [Llvm]
return_type fty gets the return type of the function type fty.
rev_iter_blocks [Llvm]
rev_iter_blocks f fn applies function f to each of the basic blocks of function fn in reverse order.
rev_iter_functions [Llvm]
rev_iter_functions f fn applies function f to each of the functions of module m in reverse order.
rev_iter_globals [Llvm]
rev_iter_globals f m applies function f to each of the global variables of module m in reverse order.
rev_iter_params [Llvm]
rev_iter_params f fn applies function f to each of the parameters of function fn in reverse order.
run_function [Llvm.PassManager]
run_function f fpm executes all of the function passes scheduled in the function pass manager fpm over the function f.
run_module [Llvm.PassManager]
run_module m pm initializes, executes on the module m, and finalizes all of the passes scheduled in the pass manager pm.
run_static_ctors [Llvm_executionengine]
run_static_ctors ee executes the static constructors of each module in the execution engine ee.
run_static_dtors [Llvm_executionengine]
run_static_dtors ee executes the static destructors of each module in the execution engine ee.

section [Llvm]
section g returns the linker section of the global value g.
set_alignment [Llvm]
set_alignment n g sets the required alignment of the global value g to n bytes.
set_cleanup [Llvm]
set_cleanup lp sets the cleanup flag in the landingpadinstruction.
set_condition [Llvm]
set_condition v c sets the condition of the branch instruction v to the value c.
set_current_debug_location [Llvm]
set_current_debug_location b md sets the current debug location md in the builder b.
set_data_layout [Llvm]
set_data_layout s m changes the data layout specifier for the module m to the string s.
set_disable_unit_at_a_time [Llvm_passmgr_builder]
See the llvm::PassManagerBuilder::DisableUnitAtATime function.
set_disable_unroll_loops [Llvm_passmgr_builder]
See the llvm::PassManagerBuilder::DisableUnrollLoops function.
set_dll_storage_class [Llvm]
set_dll_storage_class v g sets the DLL storage class of the global value g to v.
set_externally_initialized [Llvm]
set_externally_initialized c gv sets the global variable gv to be externally initialized if c is true and not otherwise.
set_function_call_conv [Llvm]
set_function_call_conv cc f sets the calling convention of the function f to the calling convention numbered cc.
set_gc [Llvm]
set_gc gc f sets the collection algorithm for the function f to gc.
set_global_constant [Llvm]
set_global_constant c gv sets the global variable gv to be a constant if c is true and not if c is false.
set_initializer [Llvm]
set_initializer c gv sets the initializer for the global variable gv to the constant c.
set_inst_debug_location [Llvm]
set_inst_debug_location b i sets the current debug location of the builder b to the instruction i.
set_instruction_call_conv [Llvm]
set_instruction_call_conv cc ci sets the calling convention for the call or invoke instruction ci to the integer cc, which can be one of the values from the module Llvm.CallConv.
set_linkage [Llvm]
set_linkage l g sets the linkage of the global value g to l.
set_metadata [Llvm]
set_metadata i kind md sets the metadata md of kind kind in the instruction i.
set_module_inline_asm [Llvm]
set_module_inline_asm m asm sets the inline assembler for the module.
set_operand [Llvm]
set_operand v i o sets the operand of the value v at the index i to the value o.
set_opt_level [Llvm_passmgr_builder]
See the llvm::PassManagerBuilder::OptLevel function.
set_param_alignment [Llvm]
set_param_alignment p a set the alignment of parameter p to a.
set_section [Llvm]
set_section s g sets the linker section of the global value g to s.
set_size_level [Llvm_passmgr_builder]
See the llvm::PassManagerBuilder::SizeLevel function.
set_successor [Llvm]
set_successor v i o sets the successor of the value v at the index i to the value o.
set_tail_call [Llvm]
set_tail_call tc ci flags the call instruction ci as eligible for tail call optimization if tc is true, clears otherwise.
set_target_triple [Llvm]
target_triple triple m changes the target specifier for the module m to the string triple.
set_thread_local [Llvm]
set_thread_local c gv sets the global variable gv to be thread local if c is true and not otherwise.
set_thread_local_mode [Llvm]
set_thread_local c gv sets the thread local mode of the global variable gv.
set_unnamed_addr [Llvm]
set_unnamed_addr b g if b is true, sets the unnamed_addr attribute of the global value g.
set_value_name [Llvm]
set_value_name n v sets the name of the value v to n.
set_verbose_asm [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Sets the assembly verbosity of this target machine.
set_visibility [Llvm]
set_visibility v g sets the linker visibility of the global value g to v.
set_volatile [Llvm]
set_volatile v i marks the load or store instruction i as volatile if v is true, unmarks otherwise.
size_in_bits [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Computes the size of a type in bits for a target.
size_of [Llvm]
size_of ty returns the sizeof constant for the type ty.
stack_align [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Computes the call frame alignment of a type in bytes for a target.
store_size [Llvm_target.DataLayout]
Computes the storage size of a type in bytes for a target.
string_of_const [Llvm]
string_of_const c returns Some str if c is a string constant, or None if this is not a string constant.
string_of_llmodule [Llvm]
string_of_llmodule m returns the .ll representation of the module m as a string.
string_of_lltype [Llvm]
string_of_lltype ty returns a string describing the type ty.
string_of_llvalue [Llvm]
string_of_llvalue v returns a string describing the value v.
struct_element_types [Llvm]
struct_element_types sty returns the constituent types of the struct type sty.
struct_name [Llvm]
struct_name ty returns the name of the named structure type ty, or None if the structure type is not named
struct_set_body [Llvm]
struct_set_body ty elts ispacked sets the body of the named struct ty to the elts elements.
struct_type [Llvm]
struct_type context tys returns the structure type in the context context containing in the types in the array tys.
succ [Llvm_target.Target]
succ t returns the next target after t, or None if t was the last target.
successor [Llvm]
successor v i returns the successor at index i for the value v.
successors [Llvm]
successors v returns the successors of v.
switch_default_dest [Llvm]
switch_default_dest sw returns the default destination of the switch instruction.

target [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Returns the Target used in a TargetMachine
target_triple [Llvm]
target_triple m is the target specifier for the module m, something like i686-apple-darwin8.
thread_local_mode [Llvm]
is_thread_local gv returns the thread local mode of the global variable gv.
triple [Llvm_target.TargetMachine]
Returns the triple used while creating this target machine.
type_by_name [Llvm]
type_by_name m name returns the specified type from the current module if it exists.
type_context [Llvm]
type_context ty returns the Llvm.llcontext corresponding to the type ty.
type_is_sized [Llvm]
type_is_sized ty returns whether the type has a size or not.
type_of [Llvm]
type_of v returns the type of the value v.

undef [Llvm]
undef ty returns the undefined value of the type ty.
unnamed_addr [Llvm]
unnamed_addr g returns true if the global value g has the unnamed_addr attribute.
use_begin [Llvm]
use_begin v returns the first position in the use list for the value v.
use_inliner_with_threshold [Llvm_passmgr_builder]
See the llvm::PassManagerBuilder::Inliner function.
use_succ [Llvm]
use_succ u returns the use list position succeeding u.
used_value [Llvm]
used_value u returns the usee of the use u.
user [Llvm]
user u returns the user of the use u.

value_is_block [Llvm]
value_is_block v returns true if the value v is a basic block and false otherwise.
value_name [Llvm]
value_name v returns the name of the value v.
value_of_block [Llvm]
value_of_block bb losslessly casts bb to an llvalue.
var_arg_function_type [Llvm]
var_arg_function_type ret_ty param_tys is just like function_type ret_ty param_tys except that it returns the function type which also takes a variable number of arguments.
vector_size [Llvm]
element_type ty returns the element count of the vector type ty.
vector_type [Llvm]
vector_type ty n returns the array type containing n elements of the primitive type ty.
verify_function [Llvm_analysis]
verify_function f returns None if the function f is valid, and Some reason if it is invalid.
verify_module [Llvm_analysis]
verify_module m returns None if the module m is valid, and Some reason if it is invalid.
view_function_cfg [Llvm_analysis]
view_function_cfg f opens up a ghostscript window displaying the CFG of the current function with the code for each basic block inside.
view_function_cfg_only [Llvm_analysis]
view_function_cfg_only f works just like view_function_cfg, but does not include the contents of basic blocks into the nodes.
visibility [Llvm]
visibility g returns the linker visibility of the global value g.
void_type [Llvm]
void_type c creates a type of a function which does not return any value in the context c.

write_bitcode_file [Llvm_bitwriter]
write_bitcode_file m path writes the bitcode for module m to the file at path.
write_bitcode_to_fd [Llvm_bitwriter]
write_bitcode_to_fd ~unbuffered fd m writes the bitcode for module m to the channel c.
write_bitcode_to_memory_buffer [Llvm_bitwriter]
write_bitcode_to_memory_buffer m returns a memory buffer containing the bitcode for module m.

x86_fastcall [Llvm.CallConv]
x86_fastcall is the familiar fastcall calling convention from C.
x86_mmx_type [Llvm]
x86_mmx_type c returns the x86 64-bit MMX register type in the context c.
x86_stdcall [Llvm.CallConv]
x86_stdcall is the familiar stdcall calling convention from C.
x86fp80_type [Llvm]
x86fp80_type c returns the x87 80-bit floating point type in the context c.