Module Llvm_executionengine.ExecutionEngine

module ExecutionEngine: sig .. end

type t 
An execution engine is either a JIT compiler or an interpreter, capable of directly loading an LLVM module and executing its functions without first invoking a static compiler and generating a native executable.
val create : Llvm.llmodule -> t
create m creates a new execution engine, taking ownership of the module m if successful. Creates a JIT if possible, else falls back to an interpreter. Raises Error msg if an error occurrs. The execution engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with dispose ee. See the function llvm::EngineBuilder::create.
val create_interpreter : Llvm.llmodule -> t
create_interpreter m creates a new interpreter, taking ownership of the module m if successful. Raises Error msg if an error occurrs. The execution engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with dispose ee. See the function llvm::EngineBuilder::create.
val create_jit : Llvm.llmodule -> int -> t
create_jit m optlevel creates a new JIT (just-in-time compiler), taking ownership of the module m if successful with the desired optimization level optlevel. Raises Error msg if an error occurrs. The execution engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with dispose ee. See the function llvm::EngineBuilder::create.
val dispose : t -> unit
dispose ee releases the memory used by the execution engine and must be invoked to avoid memory leaks.
val add_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> unit
add_module m ee adds the module m to the execution engine ee.
val remove_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> Llvm.llmodule
remove_module m ee removes the module m from the execution engine ee, disposing of m and the module referenced by mp. Raises Error msg if an error occurs.
val find_function : string -> t -> Llvm.llvalue option
find_function n ee finds the function named n defined in any of the modules owned by the execution engine ee. Returns None if the function is not found and Some f otherwise.
val run_function : Llvm.llvalue ->
Llvm_executionengine.GenericValue.t array ->
t -> Llvm_executionengine.GenericValue.t
run_function f args ee synchronously executes the function f with the arguments args, which must be compatible with the parameter types.
val run_static_ctors : t -> unit
run_static_ctors ee executes the static constructors of each module in the execution engine ee.
val run_static_dtors : t -> unit
run_static_dtors ee executes the static destructors of each module in the execution engine ee.
val run_function_as_main : Llvm.llvalue ->
string array ->
(string * string) array -> t -> int
run_function_as_main f args env ee executes the function f as a main function, passing it argv and argc according to the string array args, and envp as specified by the array env. Returns the integer return value of the function.
val free_machine_code : Llvm.llvalue -> t -> unit
free_machine_code f ee releases the memory in the execution engine ee used to store the machine code for the function f.
val data_layout : t -> Llvm_target.DataLayout.t
data_layout ee is the data layout of the execution engine ee.