Module Llvm_executionengine

module Llvm_executionengine: sig .. end
JIT Interpreter.

This interface provides an OCaml API for LLVM execution engine (JIT/ interpreter), the classes in the ExecutionEngine library.

exception Error of string
val initialize : unit -> bool
initialize () initializes the backend corresponding to the host. Returns true if initialization is successful; false indicates that there is no such backend or it is unable to emit object code via MCJIT.
type llexecutionengine 
An execution engine is either a JIT compiler or an interpreter, capable of directly loading an LLVM module and executing its functions without first invoking a static compiler and generating a native executable.
type llcompileroptions = {
   opt_level : int;
   code_model : Llvm_target.CodeModel.t;
   no_framepointer_elim : bool;
   enable_fast_isel : bool;
MCJIT compiler options. See llvm::TargetOptions.
val default_compiler_options : llcompileroptions
Default MCJIT compiler options: { opt_level = 0; code_model = CodeModel.JIT_default; no_framepointer_elim = false; enable_fast_isel = false }
val create : ?options:llcompileroptions ->
Llvm.llmodule -> llexecutionengine
create m optlevel creates a new MCJIT just-in-time compiler, taking ownership of the module m if successful with the desired optimization level optlevel. Raises Error msg if an error occurrs. The execution engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with dispose ee.

Run Llvm_executionengine.initialize before using this function.

See the function llvm::EngineBuilder::create.

val dispose : llexecutionengine -> unit
dispose ee releases the memory used by the execution engine and must be invoked to avoid memory leaks.
val add_module : Llvm.llmodule -> llexecutionengine -> unit
add_module m ee adds the module m to the execution engine ee.
val remove_module : Llvm.llmodule -> llexecutionengine -> unit
remove_module m ee removes the module m from the execution engine ee. Raises Error msg if an error occurs.
val run_static_ctors : llexecutionengine -> unit
run_static_ctors ee executes the static constructors of each module in the execution engine ee.
val run_static_dtors : llexecutionengine -> unit
run_static_dtors ee executes the static destructors of each module in the execution engine ee.
val data_layout : llexecutionengine -> Llvm_target.DataLayout.t
data_layout ee is the data layout of the execution engine ee.
val add_global_mapping : Llvm.llvalue ->
'a Ctypes.ptr -> llexecutionengine -> unit
add_global_mapping gv ptr ee tells the execution engine ee that the global gv is at the specified location ptr, which must outlive gv and ee. All uses of gv in the compiled code will refer to ptr.
val get_pointer_to_global : Llvm.llvalue -> 'a Ctypes.typ -> llexecutionengine -> 'a
get_pointer_to_global gv typ ee returns the value of the global variable gv in the execution engine ee as type typ, which may be a pointer type (e.g. int ptr typ) for global variables or a function (e.g. (int -> int) typ) type for functions, and which will be live as long as gv and ee are.