Module Llvm.Attribute

module Attribute: sig .. end
The attribute kind of a function parameter, result or the function itself. See llvm::Attribute::AttrKind.

type t =
| Zext
| Sext
| Noreturn
| Inreg
| Structret
| Nounwind
| Noalias
| Byval
| Nest
| Readnone
| Readonly
| Noinline
| Alwaysinline
| Optsize
| Ssp
| Sspreq
| Alignment of int
| Nocapture
| Noredzone
| Noimplicitfloat
| Naked
| Inlinehint
| Stackalignment of int
| ReturnsTwice
| UWTable
| NonLazyBind