Module Llvm.MemoryBuffer

module MemoryBuffer: sig .. end

val of_file : string -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer
of_file p is the memory buffer containing the contents of the file at path p. If the file could not be read, then IoError msg is raised.
val of_stdin : unit -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer
of_stdin () is the memory buffer containing the contents of standard input. If standard input is empty, then IoError msg is raised.
val of_string : ?name:string -> string -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer
of_string ~name s is the memory buffer containing the contents of string s. The name of memory buffer is set to name if it is provided.
val as_string : Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> string
as_string mb is the string containing the contents of memory buffer mb.
val dispose : Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> unit
Disposes of a memory buffer.