Module Llvm_bitwriter

module Llvm_bitwriter: sig .. end
Bitcode writer.

This interface provides an OCaml API for the LLVM bitcode writer, the classes in the Bitwriter library.

val write_bitcode_file : Llvm.llmodule -> string -> bool
write_bitcode_file m path writes the bitcode for module m to the file at path. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
val write_bitcode_to_fd : ?unbuffered:bool -> Llvm.llmodule -> Unix.file_descr -> bool
write_bitcode_to_fd ~unbuffered fd m writes the bitcode for module m to the channel c. If unbuffered is true, after every write the fd will be flushed. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
val output_bitcode : ?unbuffered:bool -> Pervasives.out_channel -> Llvm.llmodule -> bool
output_bitcode ~unbuffered c m writes the bitcode for module m to the channel c. If unbuffered is true, after every write the fd will be flushed. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.